Will you soon be at the helm at Sloterburg?!

Do you ever wonder how decisions are made in the City Council? Do you ever think about becoming politically active, but don't know exactly what the possibilities are? Or do you want to get something done at the municipality, but don't know how? Then take the Politically Active course.


In the course you will increase your theoretical knowledge and improve your skills, such as debating. Lobbying training is also on the program. Theory is alternated with practical assignments. Guest lecturers will give presentations and of course you will meet local politicians and administrators to hear about practical experiences. You will also visit a city council meeting.

The course starts on Tuesday, March 6, and consists of a total of six evening meetings (from 7:30 to 10 p.m.), each with a different theme.

In this course you will travel through the various municipalities in the region Sloterburg.

  • Tuesday, March 6, in Sloterveen: Introduction and familiarization, general state education
  • Tuesday, March 20 at Sloterburg: The Municipality
  • Tuesday, April 3 in Sloterraad: The City Council
  • Tuesday, April 17 in Slotermaas: Lobbying the Municipality
  • Tuesday, May 15 in Sloterwaal: Debating
  • in week 21,22 or 23: Attend council meeting in your own municipality

Participation in the course is free for residents of the Sloterburg region.

However, we are looking for course participants who have the ambition to become active in local politics. Whether you actually take that step at the end of the course is, of course, entirely up to you.

Will you participate?

You can register until Friday, Feb. 16, with Jaap de Vries, acting council clerk of Slotermaas, at griffie@slotermaas.nl. If you have any questions, you can also contact her at 14-0999.

Up to 25 residents can participate. The aim is to have a diverse group of participants in terms of age, gender and place of residence. After registration you will receive a questionnaire to complete. No later than February 23 you will be informed whether you can actually participate. Who knows, maybe you will be so inspired that you will stand for election as a council member on November 21, 2018!