Save the date: day of sustainability

National Sustainability Day will take place this year on Wednesday, Oct. 10. And of course Sloterburg is participating. By contributing to the Day of Sustainability, we show that Sloterburg also wants to do its part to ensure a future-proof living environment. We did not set the ambition to be energy neutral in 2040 for nothing!

Record attempt dancing to generate energy

We don't let Sustainability Day go by unnoticed. There will be dancing! On this day, an "energy-generating dance floor" will be placed in the Rabobank Haringvliet and around it the Sustainability Festival will be organized.

All associations, dance schools, sports clubs, officials, children, the elderly and entrepreneurs are invited to come to the Rabobank in Heinenoord on this day and generate energy on the dance floor. This can be done by jumping together on the dance floor, but also, for example, by performing a dance performance or a sports activity. Anything to make steps on the dance floor, because that generates energy! In the end, all the saved energy of the day will be added up and in this way the Hoeksche Waard will make a record attempt. With the ultimate goal of 'generating as much energy together'.

Sustainability Festival Many different topics will be discussed around the dance floor, such as sustainably remodeling your home, food waste, saving and/or generating energy, circular economy, economical transportation, using less plastic, sustainable food, and gas-free living. But other themes, such as social sustainability (living at home as long as possible) will also be discussed.
Save the date and join us!

Please mark October 10 in your calendar. Together we are going to set an energy record dancing! The how and what will follow later. But if you have any ideas, suggestions or additions for that day let us know.


We are doing everything we can as Hoeksche Waard to be ready for our future. We do this on the "Day of Sustainability" by generating as much energy as possible on our energy-generating dance floor. Ideas, participation, questions or just a contribution this day? Please contact Rieneke van der Waal or Ilse Voogt at

Organization of "The Day of Sustainability": cooperation body Hoeksche Waard, Energieke regio, Energieloket, Rabobank Haringvliet, Hoeksche Waard Duurzaam, omgevingsdienst Zuid-Holland Zuid and province Zuid-Holland.

This is a message from SOHW.