I can't work or go to school now
Can't make ends meet and you don't think it's possible to go to school or work right now? Then discuss this with the Youth Office.
Step 1: Look for opportunities
Turns out you can't go to school? Then you will meet (right away or during a follow-up appointment) with a WIL staff member. Together you make an effort plan in which you record what you will do in 4 weeks to take a step forward. For example, you are going to:
- Find out if there is a course you can take
- Investigate what form of paid work might be possible
- Examine what other things you can do to take a step forward
- Making assignments from the effort plan
School or work (temporarily) not possible
If you cannot currently attend a training program or get a job, you must demonstrate this. During the search period, you make a full commitment and complete the assignments listed in the effort plan.