If you are not going to school, do not have a job and cannot make ends meet financially, the Youth Counter can help you. In a conversation we look at where you are now and how you can take another step forward.

Did you attend Practical Education (PRO) or Secondary Special Education (VSO)? Even then we are happy to help you find a job. For more information and conditions see 'Information for pupils of PRO-VSO Education'.

Learn more

Would you like more information? Then you can contact us by phone - without appointment - from Monday to Friday between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. In connection with the corona virus, you cannot come by.

Own income

It is important that you get your own income as soon as possible. That's why you start looking for a job. Are you going back to school? If so, you may be entitled to student loans.

Job search

Finding and applying for work is something you do yourself. However, employees of the Youth Counter can help you with this. We will put you in contact with someone from our Employer Service Point. That way you will know which current vacancies are available. You also actively look for vacancies yourself and apply as much as possible.

I don't know what I can do

Don't know what to apply for and how to do it? At the Youth Counter we are happy to help you. Together we can find out what you can do and how to increase your chances of finding a job quickly.